DVD: May Things Change by Andrea Segre

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A documentary on the dignity of men and especially women who still have the courage not to accept social injustice and wars among the poor people.

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May Things Change, by Andrea Segre, is a tale about discomfort and anger in difficult suburban lands, portrayed by a living great photographer, Luca Bigazzi.
Neda is a Roman lady of 50 years, born and grown up in Rome, like all her family. She grew up in the 60’s in the heart of the capital, a short walk from the Colosseum. Today, however, Neda no longer lives in her home. She now lives in Ponte di Nona, in the heart of the “new centrality” on the outskirts of Rome, 6 km beyond the GRA, along the Prenestina, over 20 km from the Colosseum.
Sara, 18 years old, has grown in Ponte di Nona. She is a daughter of a man born in Apulia, in the south of Italy, and an Egyptian woman. Sara is one of the few girls in Ponte di Nona who had the opportunity to study in high school.
From the heart of the suburb, Sara and Neda lead us into a sort of spontaneous inquiry into the dynamics of interest and power that mark the daily lives of thousands of citizens like them: neighborhoods built with no facilities, no road connections, no places for socializing, without maintenance.