Lapa TV
Lapa TV is an educational project introducing Cinema Trades to the Elementary and Secondary Schools of some of the most needy shores of the Eolie Islands, especially in Winter time, in Stromboli, Salina, Filicudi and Alicudi.
Between 2004 and 2008 Lapa TV participatory videos laboratories involved islands communities in the making of “Cinejournals” (Stromboli and Salina) – free topic short films exploring islands life – and Lapa TV “Postcards” (Stromboli, Salina, Filicudi, Alicudi), video-letters sent by the young narrators to real or imaginary addressees in order to come out of isolation and talk about their dreams and wishes. In 2010 and 2011 Lapa TV came back again in Stromboli with a completely new language and approach. This is the project “Animation under the Volcano”, abandoning the documentary style and exploring the magical world of 3D animation step 1.
Students from III, IV and V grade from Stromboli primary school made several short films, first creating, then patiently animating backgrounds and characters made of stones, vegetables and recycled materials.
Idea and workshops 2004-2014: Alberto Bougleux
April 2014 – Stromboli: laboratory of radio and animation.
April 2012 – Stromboli, laboratory of animation.
May 2011 – Stromboli, laboratory of animation.
April 2010 – Stromboli, laboratory of animation.
February-March 2008 – Filicudi and Alicudi, laboratory of documentary video.
April 2006 – Stromboli and Salina, laboratory of documentary video.
February-May 2004 – Stromboli and Salina, 4 laboratories of photography, story telling, shooting and editing.
students involved 2004-2011: 150
themes: life on minor islands told by children
Partners: Zalab, Istituto Scolastico Comprensivo Salina
Link Museum of Cinema in Stromboli Museo of Cinema in Stromboli – Blog
Prizes And Screenings
Free Rhymes (2′, Stromboli, animation, 2014 )
Sea Nursery Rhymes. (S. Marina Salina, animation, 2012), selected at Sottodiciotto FIlm Festival 2012.
Barbasassi Island. (5’, Stromboli, animation, 2011).
Animation under the Volcano.(5’, Stromboli, animation, 2010).
Lapa TV New Postcards. (15’. Filicudi-Alicudi, documentary, 2008) Eolie in Video, premio Rossellini 2008.
Lapa TV Postcards.(15’, Stromboli-Salina, documentary, 2006) video extracts: Postcard for a friend from Milan Postcard for the absent teacher Eolie in Video 2006, Premio Rossellini; festival La Nostra Zona (Torre Pellice), National Award “Claudia Jalla”.
Il Cinegiornale di Salina (Salina’s Cinejournal). (10’, documentary, 2004) National Award Videocinema e Scuola 2004 (Pordenone).
Il Cinegiornale di Stromboli (Stromboli’s Cinejournal). (30’, documentary, 2004). Eolie in Video. 2004, special mention of the Jury; National Award Penne Sconosciute 2004. for school video-journalism
The Museum of Cinema of Stromboli is an independent initiative for the collection and promotion of the cinematographic memory of the Eolie Islands.
On a little island on the north side of the Mediterranean, a community of around 150 people from Maghreb established its home during the last 10 years. Most of them work in agriculture or construction works.